Domestic waste water treatment

Domestic waste water treatment
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Domestic wastewater, including residential, office building, Resorts, Hospitals, Market ... There wastewater amount arising from waste sources such as bathing, cooking, cleaning the house, toilet wastewater students have the identity etc. BOD, COD, SS, Colifom high, should be treated before being discharged into the environment in order to reduce the pollution of our environment
          Historically and until recently, the issue of waste water treatment are overlooked, nature deal. So most of the wastewater treatment system of living if there are old and outdated. Traditional technologies often use plans as the leading bio Aerotank for domestic wastewater treatment. The downside of traditional technology systems require large areas and often have some targets not met the new standards issued as N, P, BOD, COD.
          But with the residential, office building ..., located in the golden land, every inch of land is prime is the golden rule, spend money to build a building several hundred billion, but only because the filthy WWTP and smelly, it was not terribly guilty act. So investors often have to carefully consider how processing technology aesthetic, compact, low cost and quality area discharge

          There are so many technologies of higher wastewater treatment is applied to replace traditional technologies. Shinsung Vina our environmental company at the forefront with the introduction of new technologies into practice as: AAO & MBR, AO & MBR, AAO & MBBR, MBBR, MBR, UNITANK, SBR, UF ... ..tiet saved ½ usable area, treated waste water completely discharge standards promulgated by the state. Construction time soon, aesthetics and avoid the stench generated by the system.

          And Shin Sung Vina has done a lot of work on the waste water treatment Residential, Buildings, Hotels, Hospitals, Resort, Market ...
